A Polish Delegation Visits Busto Arsizio (Italy) to Study the City’s Waste Collection System
December 5, 2022

Busto Arsizio, 18th October 2022

In the framework of our FRONTSH1P project, eight representatives of a Polish company that is to build a wet waste treatment and disposal plant, and a consortium of municipalities, visited Busto Arsizio and the city’s waste collection system.


Click here to read the original article in Italian published on www.varesenoi.it.


This morning, 18 October, Mayor Antonelli and the managers of AGESP S.p.A. – Francesco Iadonisi, Sole Director, and Gianfranco Carraro, General Manager – welcomed a delegation of representatives of Polish companies interested in viewing and examining the differentiated waste collection system implemented by the city.

The visit of the Polish delegation, composed of 8 representatives of a company that is supposed to build a wet waste treatment and disposal plant and of a consortium of municipalities, is part of the activities related to our project FRONTSH1P, which promotes the dissemination of systemic solutions with the support of local clusters and the development of regional community-based innovation schemes.

Novamont S.p.A, a leading international company in the bioplastics and biochemicals sector and producer of biodegradable Mater-bi bags used for the collection of the organic fraction of waste, is promoting this project and it is coordinating the Work Package 4 of our project: Circular Systemic Solution 2 – Food and feed.

WP4 objectives are to 1) draft the framework technical and non-technical state of the art, requirements, and success criteria to satisfy the implementation of the technological and non-technological solutions required in CSS2; 2) identify measures that have the strongest leverage for a sustainable-oriented improvement of products through Life cycle thinking and Eco-design; 3) develop Systemic Solution 2 community-based innovation schemes through citizen and stakeholder engagement; 4) demonstrate the CSS2 technologies at the relevant scale.

FRONTSH1P project aims to implement and improve the separate collection of the organic fraction in the Polish Region of Łódz, also through the use of compostable bags and supporting the creation of an aerobic/anaerobic digestion plant to start the collection and valorisation of municipal solid waste into high-quality compost.

Therefore, the objective of FRONTSH1P is to lead a green transition of the Łódz Region towards decarbonisation and territorial regeneration, by ensuring a lasting effect through the creation of a permanent regional circular cluster applying the Circular Governance Model, and by involving regional, local and national public authorities to ensure long-term planning and implementation.

For instance, the city of Busto Arsizio, which is one of the first Italian cities to have invested in the system of separate waste collection, was selected as a model to be replicated, as a reality of 80,000 inhabitants that has developed for over 20 years a system of collection and disposal of the organic fraction in an area with urban and morphological characteristics similar to those of the Polish territory concerned.

Today, after more than twenty years, this system continues to be successfully used and constantly implemented and improved.