Authors: Patrícia Moura, Ana Eusébio, Lídia Quental & Pedro Patinha
The FRONTSH1P Digital Platform for collecting and sharing data on waste, its producers, recycling technologies, and local stakeholders aims to build a network of technological, economic, social, and environmental links to provide new insights/inspirations for the development of the circular economy at a regional level. An important step in the platform is the creation of a geodatabase for mapping the Polish region of Łódzkie, which is the subject of the study. This data will be crucial for identifying possible spatial synergies and interactions between waste providers and receivers and will facilitate regional logistics planning and the implementation of loops.
Considering the scope of FRONTSH1P, the data for the geo-referenced database should be based on Unique Stakeholder Identifiers across Europe that can be used for the replication of the Łódzkie strategy in Campagna (Italy), Região do Norte (Portugal), and the Livadia municipality in Stereá Elláda (Greece). Against this background, the geolocation working group under WP2, composed of LNEG (PT), Pro-Akademia (PL), ZMBzura (PL), STRESS (IT) and Veltha (BE), addressed the question of what information should be included in each geolocated tag, namely:
- to identify FRONTSH1P stakeholders and respective geolocation;
- to explore the use of territorial, economic and waste supranational identifiers (NUTS, NACE, European waste Codes);
- to allocate each stakeholder to a Circular Systemic Solution (CSS) and to a defined level of the value-chain;
- to identify the type and amount of waste generated, received and/or processed by each geo-located stakeholder; and
- to plan future indicators and/or data to include in the interactive map: social, technological, marginal land.
So far, the initial data on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) collected and treated in the Łódzkie region in 2020 and 2021, provided by ZMBzura, has been processed to create an online map with the collected data and aligned with the previous specifications. This was done using ArcGIS, a GIS software from ESRI, to create maps, perform spatial analysis and manage spatial data. A first draft of the available municipal waste data is provided as an interactive web map, which can be seen below.